Author Archives: CanGard


What Type of Jobs Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?

Type of Jobs that Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

There’s a common misconception that personal protective equipment is only required for jobs that require heavy labor, such as construction or logging. While those industries certainly require PPE, the need for protective equipment extends far beyond these fields. Here are some other jobs that require personal protective equipment: Food Service  Personal protective equipment is essential […]

How Many Types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are There?

Types of Personal Protective Equipment

The term “personal protective equipment” has gained immense popularity since the outbreak of coronavirus. Initially, it was the terminology of doctors and industrial workers, but now everyday people are seen discussing types of personal protective equipment. What Is Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)? Personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, refers to barriers you can wear to […]

What are 5 Examples of PPE and When Should They be Used?

5 Examples of PPE and When Should They be Used

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment or safety gear worn by those working in hazardous, contaminated areas to protect themselves from accidents or injuries.  PPE ranges from head and eye gear to full-body gear. PPE protects the user from all sorts of dangerous hazards, including burns, chemical spills, electric shocks, etc.  Some of the most […]

What Industries Need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?

Type of Industries Need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (for short, PPE) has always been a vital part of any good workplace. Now more than ever, employers need to consider the sanitary necessities of their employees. This way, employees remain protected from the Covid-19 virus (as well as all the other dangers lurking in our world) and manage to do their […]

What is the Proper Sequence for Removing Protective Equipment (PPE)?

Proper Sequence for removal of ppe

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is increasingly being used in different workplaces, particularly after the breakout of covid-19. It is essential to know about wearing and removing PPE to prevent transmission of infection best. Proper removal of personal protective equipment is a key component of safe work practices. After being outside of performing something while donning […]

What Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is Required When Working with Ethyl Alcohol?

Type of PPE used when Working with Ethyl Alcohol

The frequency and the amount of disinfectant we use today are unprecedented. Though these chemicals keep us safe from germs and viruses, there is another angle to consider regarding their use. These chemicals were never meant to be used this frequently, and now when they are a necessity, we need proper caution while dealing with […]

What Are Nitrile Gloves Made Of & What Do They Protect Against?

What Are Nitrile Gloves Made Of

When choosing the right protective gloves for your workplace, it can sometimes be challenging to find the most practical glove choice with so many available options on the market. The majority of skin exposures and hand injuries can be bypassed by wearing the correct glove. For one, nitrile gloves are tough, puncture-resistant gloves that protect […]

How Long Can You Use A KN95 Mask? Guidelines & Considerations

How Long Can You Use A KN95 Mask_

Since the Coronavirus pandemic, the demand for high-quality masks has risen across the world. Even in 2024, many healthcare settings still require a mask, whether it is a basic medical mask, a homemade fabric mask, or the more secure KN95 mask. In addition, most medical professionals are required at some point in their day to […]

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